Monday 17 August 2009

WEB design
It's a functional website but I'll just post the screen shots here. It's for class assignment and we got to choose an NGO and did a mini site for one of their activities. I chose to do for Japanese Foundation of Kuala Lumpur and thought of an event for them.

Final assignment for Video Production 2
This is a pair work with my classmate Chiang Khee Ming. The purpose of this assignment is for us to film a short film by using green screen for every background. My partner did most of the shooting while I'm responsible for the graphics.

The story is about a poor dude who accidentally killed a girl when robbing her. He was full of regret so basically video shows what happens in his mind: confusion, fear, and regret.

Final assignment for Multimedia Imaging 2

we had to do a short CV kinda thing that starts with the title 'How To', and I chose to do the ice cream topic, because I love eating ice cream!!! =D

I used Adobe After Effects and flash to complete this video.

Final assignment for Multimedia Imaging 1

It's a short promo video of myself.

Final assignment for Video Production 1

The story is about a man whose spirit returns for his wife for a day.

Final assignment for Animation Studies 2

it's a Lip Sync animation with open topic.

Final assignment for Animation Studies 1

We were required to do a short animation movie trailer based on a story we created in the previous semester.

Final assignment for Cinema Language 1

it's a video of pictures montage to convey a message.